Sound and practical advice following the breakdown of a relationship
The breakdown of a relationship is never easy, so when the worst happens and you find that divorce or separation is inevitable, what do you do? Some couples are able to resolve the issues that arise between themselves. Others find, understandably, that they need more detailed advice on the procedures of divorce or perhaps more importantly on resolving children issues and finances.
That is where our specialist lawyers can provide sound and practical advice to see you through what can be a very difficult time and help you to try and reach a sensible resolution by agreement.
Our team of matrimonial experts view court proceedings to be a last resort, but where there really is no other option then our team will always give you practical and honest advice and protect your interests robustly.
Stuart Hughes and Melanie Pilmer are both trained Collaborative Lawyers and they are also, along with Emma Alfieri, members of Resolution. They abide by the Resolution code of conduct that seeks to resolve matters in a conciliatory fashion.