Advice to parents, grandparents and other relatives
Our family team helps parents, grandparents and other relatives that wish to maintain contact with a child, or are otherwise concerned about a child’s welfare.
Often issues arise following the breakdown of a relationship. One parent may prevent that child from seeing his father or mother or even grandparents. There may also be disagreements as to how a child should be schooled, whether they should be brought up to follow a particular religion or whether medical treatment should be withheld.
The law gives priority to the interests of the child. However angry one adult might be with another, all that matters is what benefits the child. All parties involved have to appreciate this fact, and our advice is always based on that simple premise.
Our specialist lawyers recognise that the best arrangements are made willingly between the adults involved, rather than being imposed by the courts. Our team advise clients on their options, and encourage them to ensure that the ex-partner receives good, independent advice. With both parties fully informed, parties are encouraged to reach an agreement that they are both happy with, and will stand by.
We have links with mediators, counsellors and other professionals that can help clients to reach an agreement without incurring unnecessary legal fees.
Our team view court proceedings to be a last resort, but where there really is no other option then our team will always give you practical and honest advice and protect your interests robustly.