Hybrid Working
ACAS has recently published guidance on hybrid working Working from home and hybrid working | Acas, and this has now been supplemented by practical guidance published by the CIPD. Effective hybrid working – Flexible Working Taskforce guidance | Guides | CIPD
Fire & Re-hire
ACAS has recently published new guidance Considering employment contract changes: Making changes to employment contracts – employer responsibilities – Acas to help employers reach agreement with staff and maintain good employment relations when considering making changes to contractual terms and conditions. It includes guidance on:
- Considering employment contract changes
- Proposing employment contract changes
- Consulting on employment contract changes
- Handling requests to change an employment contract
- If employment contract changes are agreed
- If employment contract changes cannot be agreed
Firing and re-hiring is becoming increasingly controversial, and there are bear traps to watch out for, so any employers considering making changes to terms and conditions of employment should consider taking advice.
Contact Us
Selene Holden (seleneholden@greene-greene.com ~ 01284 717436)
Greg Jones (gregjones@greene-greene.com ~ 01284 717446)
Angharad Ellis Owen (aeo@greene-greene.com ~ 01284 717453)
Katie Harris-Wright (katieharris-wright@Greene-Greene.com ~ 01284 717442)
For more information on the services offered by Greene & Greene Solicitors please visit www.greene-greene.com and follow on Twitter @GreeneGreeneLaw.