Our Private Client team are delighted to be taking part in this year’s St Nicholas Hospice annual Wills Week. The week gives you the chance to have your Will prepared by one of our expert lawyers and instead of paying a fee, we ask you make a suitable donation to St Nicholas Hospice, a charity close to our hearts.
For those not already aware, St Nicholas Hospice is a local charity that provides vital services to local people with a life-limiting condition. It is a place where they can receive all the specialist care as well as emotional and practical support. The charity also looks after family and friends too, because when someone is facing the end of their life, it affects everyone around them.
Not only are we passionate about supporting this charity, we’re also passionate about ensuring as many people as possible in our local community have an up-to-date Will in place. Put simply, making a Will is the best way to ensure your wishes are honoured. If you die without a Will, your assets become subject to ‘the laws of intestacy’. These can be harsh and inflexible and take no account of your wishes, the needs of individuals or the obvious rights and wrongs of a family situation.
By making a Will, you can avoid these potentially costly arguments. Making a Will should always be done with an experienced professional and reviewed at any major life event such as re-marriage or a change in financial circumstances. For further details as to why you should make a Will please see this article. Our expert team can advise you on the process as well as providing advice if needed on any other legal matters including Lasting Powers of Attorney.
Please do get in touch to book your appointment this Wills Week and help ensure you avoid the laws of intestacy whilst supporting this incredibly worthy charity.
Spaces are limited and allocated on a first come first served basis. To book your appointment please contact Sarah Fordham on 01284 717443 or email sarahfordham@greene-greene.com.
*This offer is for a standard Will and subject to our usual terms of engagement. If your affairs are more complex or you require additional advice, we will be more than happy to provide a quote for these services.