The Employment Team at Greene & Greene have, together with recruitment agency Recroot, hosted quarterly HR Forums for a number of years and these continue to go from strength to strength.
Last week’s London HR Forum was held at the Me London, Strand and was attended by over 20 HR professionals. The session focused on mental health and the practical steps employers can take to support employees.
We would like to extend a huge thank you to Suffolk Mind for presenting their training on ‘your needs met’. All attendees agreed that their model offered an invaluable insight into mental health. It also offered an opportunity for attendees to work with their peers to develop real and tangible actions plans to take back to their businesses. In fact, several people said that it was the best mental health workshop they had attended, namely because it gave simple and practical solutions to sometimes daunting and complex questions.
“Simple and practical solutions to sometimes daunting and complex questions”
If you are interested in attending any of the remaining Forums then please get in touch with any member of the Employment Team (contact details below). Spaces are limited so please respond as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.
The Forums start at 9.30am* with lunch being served around midday. They are free to existing clients, although we are happy to accommodate a free taster session upon request.
Future dates are as follows:-
- 20th June 2019 – Harlow
- 27th June 2019 – Bury St Edmunds
- 4th July 2019 – Ipswich