Act One – cupid strikes
Zoom, just one kiss and then my heart went boom. Girl (or boy) you look wonderful tonight. You’re beautiful, you’re beautiful, it’s true. I have never had such a feeling of complete and utter love. Going to the chapel and we’re gonna get married. Love is all you need.
Final Act – the end
I hate you so much right now. Shoot that poison arrow. What’s a matter you? Got no respect? Argh… shaddup-a you face! You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille. D.i.v.o.r.c.e
If, like us, you are more than a little sceptical of the myriad of headlines announcing that today, tomorrow or whenever is ‘D-Day’ and the soundtrack to your life is most definitely not songs selected by the self-serving writers of the press but you have issues with your relationship, then why not talk to someone who…
- Listens to you and will help you find solutions that are best for you and your family
- Will steer you towards a collaborative (non-confrontational) approach to addressing the issues that arise on a relationship breakdown
- Are members of Resolution – first for family law – and who follow their code of practice
- Have specialists who can offer Mediation, Collaborative Law, Round Table discussions and (if required) court based solutions.
If you require any further advice regarding divorce or separation please contact Stuart Hughes ( or call direct on 01284 717493)
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